Our Work

I have the best clients and I’ve had the joy of working with so many amazing women over the years. Here are just a few of the projects I’m especially proud of.

Click on each image to learn more about how we brought the brand to life for these amazing women. For questions about my portfolio or the websites created please contact me at franka@frankabaly.com. You can also view my custom themes here

Opulent Beyouty

A salon that caters to the professional black woman. Offering an array of services to help see the beauty that lives inside.

Miara Shaw

An Executive Coach, Life & Business Strategist and Speaker who helps high-performing women develop their Balanced Rhythm™ (work life harmony) while maintaining their well-being.

Perfect Touch Promotions

A full-service event planning, management & production company that caters to corporations, organizations and professional consumers.

Wholistically Well Center

A virtual holistic center committed to total wellness. They provide information, tools, articles and insight that helps the entire family live well.


A coaching business for women who are craving a transformation. They provide experiences which focus on lifestyle, connection, and sisterhood.

BMF Fitness

Led by two female co-founders, this passionate, diverse, and badass community promotes developing a healthy lifestyle by doing bootcamp style workouts, offering personal training and fun competitive physical challenges.

Erika T. Kendrick

A Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) & Personal and Executive Coach who believes that everyone already has the potential inside of themselves to create the life they desire. 

Design Girl Travels

This brand showcases the unique places Deanna Breaux Gathe has visited from around the world. She provides travel tips, design inspirations, and resources. 

Boutique Meetings

A meeting and conference design firm well-versed well in product launches, team building programs, VIP and C-Suite events, conferences, conventions, and incentives.

Getting Off the Porch

Supports her clients as they embark on a transformational journey to discover their blind spots, by exploring areas that keep them stuck while gaining tools to live a full, authentic, and purpose-filled life.

The Us Space

Intentionally creating spaces for women of color help members combat the feelings of loneliness that come from working from home and growing a business by providing support, networking, innovation, and fun.

We're focused on helping women over 40 create thought-leadership brands aligned with their purpose and brilliance.

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