
Why We Exist

We’re on a mission to help over 1,000 purpose-driven women brand, market, and scale their companies by the year 2027.
Because when a woman is financially empowered it has the power to change the world.

Our Core Values

We believe in excellence. That doesn’t mean we don’t make mistakes but when we do, we own it and go forward even better.

We stay learning. As we learn, we grow and we generously share the knowledge. 

We are intentional. We don’t believe in being reactive and impulsive. There is intent behind everything we do.

We lead with kindness. That doesn’t mean we’re pushovers but we love the “Ted Lasso Way” of engaging with others. 

We keep it real (authentic). And we encourage our clients to do the same. No hiding is allowed around these here parts. Be loud and proud.

We believe in digital integrity. It’s critical. We have a zero-tolerance policy about it. No copying, lying or stretching of the truth is allowed.

We believe in creative freedom and freedom of thought. Differing voices are welcomed here. Censorship stifles creativity.

We’re unapologetic about elevating the voices of WOC. Franka is a black woman, enough said.  

“Being a woman over 40 means that I’m resilient, gritty, determined and I don’t have time to waste. I’m about getting things done and bringing out the best in the people around me. I’m intentional, positive, and tapped into my joy. When you work with me, I’ll give you the benefit of all my experience.  “


I’m from the era of boom boxes, cassette tapes, big hair, shoulder pads, old school rap, and bigger dreams. I grew up watching Soul Train, American Bandstand, and School House Rock. Our summer days meant running outside to play until the streetlights came on. You could climb, build, wander, explore, and dream. It was a wonderful and joy-filled time. Even though my siblings and I often came home to an empty house, and we had to fend for ourselves for several hours, we never felt fearful or alone. If anything, these experiences taught us independence, grit, and resilience. All hallmark attributes of the women I serve and have been instrumental in helping me become I woman I am today. Like these women, I’ve evolved through these many life lessons.

Here are some of the highlights…



My first post-college job was as a Patient Guest Relations Coordinator. A position in the Patient Guest Relations Department at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I assisted new patients and oriented them to the hospital for their outpatient say while undergoing cancer treatment. I got to meet and support people battling cancer from all over the world. It was one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had.



Married my best friend and college love, Raphael.



Cancer sucks!! My mother lost her battle with breast cancer. My grief was stifling at times – so profound was this loss. I decided it was time to leave MD Anderson.



I stumbled into the field of UX after answering an ad in the Houston Chronicle. I became immersed in research, design, and emerging technologies in a wonderfully nurturing and evolving environment within a global computer company. I would spend the next ten years working for several Fortune 500 companies honing my skills in UX, web development, branding, and marketing. It was an awesome time of growth and learning.



Taught myself how to write HTML and started building websites. I loved this new creative outlet. I became a true techie.



I was accepted into grad school. My intention was to merge my love of working with people with helping them navigate some of the difficult moments in their lives influenced by the loss of my mom.



I launched my own web design and development company focused on helping emerging and small businesses while still holding down a full-time position. I started small and worked on it in the evenings after getting home from work. It was a passion project and I enjoyed being able to help my clients bring their vision to reality. I also completed grad school earning my Masters in Counseling.



I became a mom, and gave birth to my twin boys, Jared & Kaelen.



I lost my husband and partner of 17 years, Raphael in a tragic car accident. I was left to raise our four-year old twin boys as a single mom. I felt like I had a hole in my heart.



Moved into my Downtown Houston office with a small team (Jillian, Radhika and I — these two women are doing amazing work in the world today). We were growing the company in the midst of the Recession until things came to a screeching halt.

Franka out at a rig


Made the decision to transition away from running my business due to grief and burnout. Busyness did not keep feelings of grief and burnout at bay, even though I tried to run from them for 3 years. I took a UX design position with Pason which took me back into the field doing UX research and design in the oil and gas industry. My boys were 7.



Launched a blog called FindSelfLove focused on self-love. It was born out of my own journey with feelings of “not enoughness” and imposter syndrome. I shared my thoughts in a weekly blog until I felt called to do something more.



Enrolled in a coaching program under Valorie Burton’s CaPP Institute and became a Certified Personal and Executive Life Coach. I met my tribe there and many of my classmates are still some of my favorite people to this day.



The desire to run my own business once again grabbed hold of me and I left Pason to run my own design firm focused on UX, brand strategy and web design for corporations and small businesses. I named it Franka Baly Media. There are now two companies under the Franka Baly Media umbrella, FBUX Consulting and FrankaBaly.com.



Today I still run this company. I’m proud of what I’ve built these past 23 years. I’ve been able to evolve and grow, navigating the ups and downs of the ever-changing digital landscape. I’ve earned revenue that helped me take care of my boys, met clients who’ve become like family, and grown into a confident and self-assured businesswoman. I’ve kept my focus where my expertise lies – in the design, branding, and web development space while building a wonderful team that I cherish. On FrankaBaly.com I’m happy to lean into serving women over 40 who have long been my most loyal customers. As a GenXer I can relate to them as much as they relate to me. My mission is to help them build brands aligned with their purpose and infused with joy.

I’m Franka Baly, an accomplished and experienced designer, brand strategist, and digital marketer who’s on a mission to help brilliant women over 40 launch impactful and purpose-driven brands.

I’m also the Chief Experience Officer and Founder of Franka Baly Media, a custom design studio specializing in branding, web design, and digital marketing. I’ve worked with everyone from budding entrepreneurs to million-dollar corporations in my almost 30-year career. After launching more than a hundred brands I understand how to help women stand out in an increasingly noisy digital landscape. I’m not interested in chasing likes or amassing followers, my fulfillment comes from staying aligned and focused on doing purposeful work. At this phase of my life, it’s about helping other brilliant women to be “seen” as they change the world. One brand at a time.



Create Something That is Uniquely Your Own

I know what it feels like to want to create something that is uniquely “my own” – the culmination of my ideas and creativity. As you can see, my journey was filled with highs and lows. Becoming the designer I am today took time and dedication to my craft. After launching hundreds of brands, I’ve become adept with technology, systems, branding, web design, and marketing.

If you’re ready to create a brand for your business, aligned with who you are and how you want to serve, then I’m ready to help you brand, build and launch the platform that will evolve with you.

We're focused on helping women over 40 create thought-leadership brands aligned with their purpose and brilliance.

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