Category: Podcast
Episode 10: 2020 End of Year Recap

Episode 10: 2020 End of Year Recap

In this short episode, I look back on the year and do a quick recap on what was accomplished and how we were impacted. In this short episode, I do just that and do a quick recap on what transpired for me during 2020. Listen to the Episode:...

Episode 4: Let’s Talk About Burnout

Episode 4: Let’s Talk About Burnout

In this episode, I want to talk about burnout and some of the strategies you can take to overcome it. In this episode, I’m talking about burnout, and the havoc it wreaked on my life before I got a handle on it. How it robbed me of my joy in my business and created a...

Episode 3: Redefining Success

Episode 3: Redefining Success

In this episode, we discuss why it's important to define success on your own terms. In this episode, we discuss why it's important to define success on your own terms and what it means to you or it will be forced on you by the world and cause you to lose your way. The...

Episode 2: The Power of Empathy

Episode 2: The Power of Empathy

In this episode, we discuss why empathy is good for business and your life. On this episode, we discuss why this soft skill can help you attain a competitive advantage to connect, grow your business, and form deep relationships with the people in your life. What...


I’m Franka Baly

Franka Baly

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