How to Find Joy When You are Working Outside of Your True Passion and Purpose
Franka Baly
March 23, 2014

Everyday is an opportunity for you to start again. I heard this somewhere and it is so appropriate to pass on today as I sit and write this blog.

I know a thing or two about not working in my passion field or within my purpose. Although I love working with technology and developing new ways to use it (my day job), my true passion is helping others. I get the greatest joy when I can use my knowledge, time and wisdom to encourage someone else. Over the past 6 months I have been assessing if I was truly walking in my purpose and using all of the gifts God had given me to bless the lives of others and myself. My answer, a resounding NO. For some reason this sent me into a panic! You know the kind where you are paralyzed? No movement in either way. I was like a deer in the headlights. My first mistake was that I stopped writing the blog I had grown to love. I was trying to figure out where I wanted to go with this blog and what I really wanted my message to be. In other words, I was seeking to fulfill my true purpose behind the message. If you are like me, it’s important for me to stay true to my purpose.

So let’s talk about this for a moment. Not all of us are fortunate to work in our purpose, but who doesn’t want to? Raise your hand if you prefer to do something that doesn’t fulfill you. I know I didn’t see any hands go up.

We all desire to feel fulfilled and excited about “our work”. Whatever we spend 8+ hours doing each day, we want to love doing it and be energized by it right? Sometimes we are really good at something but we know in the pit of our stomach that it is not the work we were meant to do. But you went to college for it or you have worked in that industry for most of your career and you feel like this is where you can find a job to take care of your family or yourself. I know the dilemma. Does that mean that you should continue to do something that you know is not your intended purpose? I say NO!! Although you may be exhausted after a long day at the office, don’t make excuses for not pursuing your passion. But in the meantime it’s important to not let it diminish your joy. Here are some great strategies that you should employ to start down the path to pursuing your passion and walking in your purpose all while still experiencing joy.

1. Pray / Meditate. Spend time with the Divine understanding His purpose for your life. He may have already revealed it to you in so many ways, but truly pay attention to those moments in your life when you can remember doing something that gave you the most joy. Stay still long enough to hear the whispers in your life. Maybe you were a volunteer for an event but you found that you loved it. You may do it in your spare time or find that you are not even aware of the passage of time when you are doing it. What is that activity? It could be your passion. Write it down. You are onto something.

2. Practice Gratitude. Gratitude is a concept that allows us to appreciate what we have, while allowing us to open ourselves up to receiving additional blessings. If you are grateful for what you do now, even if you know it is not your purpose or passion, you are less likely to feel anxious or depressed about it. How could you feel sad if you are able to provide for your family in a comfortable manner? You are going to give 100% to your job because you don’t want anything to jeopardize it, but at the same time, you are seeking to be aligned with your purpose and working on creating the life you truly want. Remember to have an attitude of gratitude!

3. Be Mindful. Don’t get caught up in what has not happened yet or be anxious for anything. If you start working towards your goals, trust me, it will come. Live in the present and focus on what is before you. It’s the simple things that matter. Don’t let the noise and busyness of the world distract you from what is truly important. Being mindful extends to everything, including conversations with others, eating, exercising, playing, etc. Put down the smart phone. Don’t try to watch TV while you are eating a great meal. Stay present. Enjoy what is before you.

4. Practice Self-care. I recently started doing this and I will tell you it has made me so much happier. I went for a facial and got two massages over the past month. I didn’t realize how out of alignment my body was until I had a stretching massage and was able to practically cartwheel off the massage table. Not taking care of yourself can make you cranky and irritable. Our body holds a lot of toxins and if you don’t release them, they build up and can truly make you have pain and stiffness. Go for a massage, get a pedicure, or facial. Love on yourself and see a difference in how it affects your perspective.

5. Give. This could be giving of your time, talent, or financial resources. When you give yourself away, God uses you. This concept of giving is a great practice for increasing joy in your life. When you give from a genuine place, you feel abundant and rich. It somehow fills you up in a way nothing else can. I always remember the silly grin on Oprah’s face when she gave away a room full of cars to needy teachers. She was happy to be giving. She later talked about it and said that it was one of the happiest days of her life to be able to give to others who truly needed and appreciated the gift. Even though we can’t all be Oprah, we can give of what we have. You will be amazed at how it will be bless both the giver and the receiver.

I know as you seek to align with your passion and purpose that finding joy can sometimes seem far away but remember its the simple things which can help you keep perspective. I hope you will make these five things; prayer/meditation, practicing gratitude, being mindful, self-care, and giving, a part of your regular practice as you reach for your goals!

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With love (xoxo),



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I’m Franka Baly

Franka Baly

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