Category: Uncategorized

Focus On What Really Matters

"At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our character; and not our success, but our significance. Live a life that matters." There is so much noise in the world....

Goal Setting for An Amazing 2015!

I love setting goals for the new year! Even if I don't accomplish them all, its great to look back and see how far I've come at the end of the year. This year I want to set goals the right way and I want to start early enough so I have time to write them down and...

7 Ways to Survive the Holidays!

Surviving the Holidays The holidays are fast approaching. Can you believe this week we will celebrate Thanksgiving?? This can be a very stressful time of the year for so many, including me, but coupled with feeling sad or depressed, this season can be downright...

How to Create The Life You Want!

I am one of these people that really likes being around positive people and the energy that they bring. I love to laugh and to smile. I truly believe that when you are around this type of energy that you are able to do your best work and to be your best self. So...

How You Can Become a DO-er!

This blog post is dedicated to everyone who struggles with getting things done.  I recently watched part of a graduation speech given by Shonda Rhimes, powerhouse producer of the Thursday evening lineup on ABC, in which she advises graduates to be DO-ers instead of...

Eliminating This Could Save Your Life!

Look at it, it even looks like a drug. Like those illicit drugs that you were taught to stay away from because they could kill you. How come no one ever warned us to stay away from SUGAR, the worst of them all!! Would you believe that it is more addictive than...

You Are More Than Worthy!

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made!  Today I want to talk about the concept ofworthiness. It is one of the most important concepts on the journey to love and acceptance of one's self. In today's world we see so many people wrapping up their self-worth in what...

What do you want your legacy to be?

Lately it seems like we are seeing a lot of famous stars transition. We know it is inevitable as we age of course, but it is still hard to lose the people we grew up with, people who have made us laugh and enjoy this wonderful thing called life. This week we lost...


I’m Franka Baly

Franka Baly

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