Your best years are not behind you and NO, it’s not too late to start that business you’ve been dreaming about. Let’s do this!

Hi there, I’m Franka.

I help service-based small business owners and women over 40 brand and market with excellence by encouraging them to stop sitting on their brilliance to start, launch or grow the business they’ve always dreamed of.

Franka Baly

my clients have been featured in:

Over 40 Woman

It’s Time To Stop Waiting and Start Taking Action to Build The Business You’ve Always Envisioned.

Let’s be honest, you’re already doing all the things,  you can’t add yet another thing. But fact is you need to grow your business’ impact and influence. So what should you do? Work with someone who can help you brand and market your company with excellence.

We offer done-for-you services for established service-based businesses and women over 40 who need branding, marketing, and support services executed with strategy and excellence.  You’re in the right place if:

✔  You’re not interested in DIYing anything and would prefer an expert to do it for you.

✔  You’re intimidated by all the tech involved in setting up all the moving parts of your digital presence.

✔  You hate marketing but know you need to get results.

If you’re ready to grow your company, we’re ready to execute for you!

Our Signature Services

We’ve ready to put all of our experience to work for you so you’re seen instead of blending in!

01 – Branding

Having a clear understanding of what you’re building is crucial if you want to successfully market and grow your business. The first step in achieving this is to establish a clear brand with a mission-driven purpose. We’re here to help you get there – by working together to clarify your message, we can then design a brand that makes a real impact. 

02 – Digital Marketing

If you want your company to grow, you simply can’t do it without a solid marketing strategy. We understand how overwhelming it can be to figure it all out, which is why we’re here to help. From building a killer website to crafting eye-catching social media templates and running effective LinkedIn ads, we’ve got you covered. 

03 – Support & Maintenance

Launching your online presence is just the tip of the iceberg. To really grow your business, you need to keep your online presence thriving. And hey, we’re here to help! Our support packages are designed to give you the assistance you need, so you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Choose The Package That’s Right for You

Get the branding, marketing and support services you need

Tier I: SideHustler

Perfect for the business owner who’s just getting started with their business and needs a great online presence but doesn’t have a lot of resources. 

Price: $1,999

Tier II: The Boss

You’ve been in business for a few years now and you want a more elevated digital presence with some backend support and maintenance to keep you growing. 

Price: $4,999

Tier III: The ScaleUp

Your business is thriving and you are seeing steady growth but know you’re ready to create a custom digital experience to support this growth. 

Price: $10,999

About Franka Baly

I’m Ready to Put My Experience to Work For You.

I’m Franka the Chief Experience Officer around these here parts. I set out more than 25+ years ago to become a UX designer (if you’re counting that means I’m a woman over 40). As I built this company I realized that women (and a few enlightened men) of my generation were naturally drawn to me.  We just get each other. I understand the challenges, mindset blocks, generational complexities and life transitions.  I’m incredibly passionate about using my technical muscle and creativity to help small businesses “be seen”.

When you partner with us you get everything you need to grow and scale your business. Instead of blending in, you stand out. So the one promise I’ll make to you is that not only are you going to launch, but we’re gonna stick with you as you grow your business, supporting and cheering you on along the way. Let’s have some fun!


How it Works

Our Process

Our four-step process takes you from idea to launch.


We take time to research your market to ensure that we create a unique and competitive brand.


Then, we dive into what makes you unique, your vision, mission, values, offerings to craft a strategy. 

Design & Develop

We design and develop your branding, website and marketing materials implementing all the elements unique to you.


We ensure your launch meets both of our high standards. Get ready to break out the bubbly!

Recent Work

Designing a great website is both art and science. We employ both in the creation of high-quality, aesthetically appealing websites, that get you found online. Take a look at some of the projects we’ve recently launched.  

Some of Our Amazing Clients

We do our best work for clients who are poised and ready to shine.

From the Blog

Check out our blog for articles, podcast episodes, training, and mindset shifts.

Building A Clear Brand as A Gen X Woman

Building A Clear Brand as A Gen X Woman

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AI Is Here. Are You Ready?

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If you’re ready to create the experience your customers deserve. We’re ready to help.

We're focused on helping women over 40 create thought-leadership brands aligned with their purpose and brilliance.

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