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He decided that He had enough of our arrogance and self-importance and decided to bring us down a peg. Or maybe we were just doing too much and not respecting the natural order of the earth and it rebelled on us. A microscopic enemy that no gun can kill. The way we were going I knew something extreme was required for us to stop and focus on what was most important. Covid-19 was not expected but was forewarned in many documentaries I’ve watched.
Whether you believe in a higher power or not as I do. Too many of us have been on this #hustlehard hamster wheel for far too long. We are too impatient, too distracted, too self-centered.
As a global community, we’re not as kind to each other as we should be as anyone can attest to. People ghost you instead of having conversations. People say on social media what they should say in a one on one conversation. Misunderstandings create animosity where there doesn’t have to be. Everyone thinks they are right when we should be more concerned with being heard, respectfully.
We’re not as connected to our families as we once were. We live on our devices, so overly consumed with what’s going on in other people’s lives. So focused on outward success. Our children are under attack and don’t even feel safe at school.
Now we have no choice in the matter. We’ve all been forced into our homes to spend time with each other. Everything that could be used as a distraction is now gone. Almost everything is closed. You can only watch TV for so many hours of the day. After a while, even social media gets to be too much. You have to sit with your own thoughts and reflect. Just be with the people in your life. There’s no running from it.
This is a time to focus on what truly matters. Connect in person.
Take care of our elders, our children.
I believe we will emerge from this better, stronger, more connected…kinder.
At least it is my prayer.
Go out and live with purpose, passion, and joy!
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