7 Strategies for Managing Overwhelm in Your Life
Franka Baly
February 7, 2015

This week I must have spoken to at least five different women business owners who were all struggling with the same issue. How do I continue to actualize and be creative in my business while juggling the responsibilities of my personal life? This is a complex problem and one that doesn’t have an easy answer because everyone has different needs. Before discussing some possible strategies, let’s delve into the issue a little more.

A lot of solopreneurs and small business owners have to wear multiple hats if they’re gonna get things done. They are juggling many different aspects of their lives at the same time and are doing everything possible to keep everything going. Wearing all of these hats, doesn’t always leave women time for doing some of the things that making them feel fulfilled and happy. And while we know the importance of balance, there’s just not enough hours in the day for us to do all of the things that demand our time, even when we carefully plan. I know you made your to-list today! This is more compounded when you have a family or little ones depending on you. Or you want to get in a workout, run errands, do laundry, eat healthy, socialize with friends, attend to social media, respond to emails, be an attentive wife, girlfriend, etc. I’m exhausted just writing the list! If you’re anything like me, you also have this highly creative faucet that keeps gushing out and you want to develop, to share with the world, you absolutely must, its vital to your happiness! Business owners love the freedom and flexibility of running our own businesses, but we face real challenges of trying to balance it all in a way that serves us and how we want to live our lives.

So I really wanted this article to be more than just a rant about all the challenges, I and others face as a business owner, I wanted it to include some strategies, and food for thought as you continue to work on sharing your creativity and energy with the world.

Here are my top 7 strategies to keep your sanity as you continue to actualize:

1. Get quality sleep every night. I can’t stress this enough. I don’t care what age you are, you have to get sleep! Not getting enough sleep has been medically linked to weight gain, diminished motor skills, irritability and so many other serious conditions. There is no question sleep is vital. A great read is Arrianna Huffington’s book Thrive about the importance of sleep and how not getting enough almost killed her. I used to think I only needed 5 hours until I started sleeping 8 hours a night and noticed how great I felt. Don’t believe me, try it for yourself. I am sharper and more creative after sleeping. Don’t worry you won’t miss anything, everyone else is sleeping too.

2. Hire someone to do the tasks that don’t utilize your expertise. You cannot do everything for yourself. You have to hire people sometimes to help you. Professionals that will take activities off your plate so you can focus on where your times is best served. Explore, getting a virtual assistant or someone who can help you a few hours a week to get things done that you just don’t have time to do. This could include anything from help at home to tackling those daily tasks like checking email or opening mail, Trust me its worth the investment and will free yourself up to truly focus on the tasks you need to pay attention to.

3. Add all of your activities to your calendar so you can keep track of where you spend your time. This was hard for me because I am a free spirit, I go with things as they come, but I needed more accountability with my time. I work full time as a UX Designer, I coach clients, I’m consulting on web projects, I’m taking weekly classes to increase my skills, and most importantly, I am a mom to two amazing pre-teen boys. I don’t have time to waste. I have to be efficient and effective with my time. I put everything on my Google Calendar except bathroom breaks! It has become a great way for me to see where I may have some wiggle room. Don’t commit to anything until you have consulted your calendar. Take it everywhere, connect it to your smart phone, and start keeping track of your most important asset, your time.

4. Schedule a weekly self-care appointment. By this I mean a massage, facial, steam, mani/pedi, going for a drive, watching a movie, or whatever makes you feel relaxed. You need some time each week, for a few hours when you can just focus on clearing your mind and recharging your batteries. I try to keep this time to about two hours but feel free to go longer. What I know for sure is that it makes me a better person for the people in my life and they deserve the best I have to give.

5. Create systems for your business. Technology has made this all so much easier. When I launched my first business in 2000, there was no Twitter, Facebook, credit card readers, smart phones, WordPress, etc. Today’s technology has revolutionized the way we do business, for the better! There is absolutely no reason that business owners have to do everything themselves if they create systems for their business. A system will help you reach more people and will free you up for being more personally engaged where you need to be. If you get emails all the time with the same topic from clients, create some autoresponders to help you manage the flow. If you want to send out emails after you have had clients for a week, create a follow-up welcome email in your email marketing account. Some of these systems take time in the beginning to put in place, but once setup, they free you up to focus on the tasks that truly require your attention. Figure out what needs a system and then get the right tools in place to help you. For a limited time, I have made available to unsubscribers a great resource list on my website for many of these tools.

6. Have a supportive person that you can connect with weekly. No one can navigate this journey alone, everyone needs support. But I will say you need the right type of support. Especially when you are feeling vulnerable or have shame around a particular issue in your life or business. Brene Brown says, “You share with people who’ve earned the right to hear your story. …You have to earn the right to hear my story. It’s an honor to hold space for me when I’m in shame.” Feeling like a failure or like you can’t handle it all is a real source of shame for some women and you need a safe place to go where you can talk about it. Choose your support wisely. A coach is a great resource and will not only provide accountability but will truly make you feel heard. If you are not ready for coaching then get a like-minded friend who you can connect with and collaborate weekly. Someone who will bring out the best in you as you inspire each other to higher heights.

7. Connect with your spirit. This is last on the list, but is not the least important, in fact I do this one first. This strategy is critical to me in connecting with the One (for me this is God) who gave me my purpose. I must stop and acknowledge that I am not on this journey by myself. I don’t believe I am actualizing all these great things because I’m so great, I’m simply blessed. I am creative because it was a gift, one that I was compelled and destined to use. I know that there is a force greater than I, who wants me to use my talents and gifts to help others. Serving is not just about me. I feel grateful and humbled that I have figured out my purpose and I pray for the wisdom to continue to stay aligned with that purpose. Its beautiful and humbling, but I feel so thankful and it recharges me to go forward fulfilling my purpose.

So I hope you found these 7 strategies helpful in your quest to continue to create at your highest level as you juggle all of the things in this crazy life. As challenging as it can be running a business, it is also very rewarding. The world needs your gifts and talents. No one said it would be easy, but it’s all worth it!

I’ll see you next week!


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I’m Franka Baly

Franka Baly

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